Less Success?

It depends on You!

Most women are successful in using the product. If not, there might be various reasons. Irregular use of SIDERmax or neglect of the product’s application advice as well as special habits of the client may cause lack of success.

Personal habits may decrease success!

  • Longer period of slimming diets
  • Insufficient nourishment causing lack of trace materials
  • Strong sportive activities like bodybuilding linked with supporting diets

Steady and systematic daily application performed over a longer period of time is a mayor factor for success; but some health reasons may cause less success.

Some health reasons for less success!

  • Hyper function of thyroid,
  • massive medication,
  • latent diseases with treatment undermining weight

Allergic Reactions

have been reported by users very seldom. Sometimes customers use SIDERmax more than twice a day - we suggest normally only once or most twice - thus causing a slight redness of skin portions. Just stop using more than once a day. Very sensitive women might feel real allergic reactions. Such reactions could be caused by scent ingredients contained in the SIDERmax cream when applying intensively. Inform natureline cosmetics when ordering (use the shop's text area for remarks when ordering) to get a product version without scent.

The SIDERmax cream does not contain any artificial chemical stuff which usually is an ingredient to conserve cream nore does it contain any hormones like oestrogen or similar stuff. Know more ...

the SIDERmax cream ingredients >>>


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